2024 Logo MySquare blue horizontal

As you know, TECHNIDATA has a strategy

of continually modernising and enhancing

the security of its information systems.


This is why we have launched MY SQUARE, our new, user-friendly,

and collaborative tool for managing customer support requests and accessing the service catalogue!


  Click here to log into MY SQUARE,

where you will find a range of tutorials in pdf or video format to guide you through the transition.


Any problems? Send us a mail at Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

or contact your local support team who will be happy to help



Procedure: First connection


Procedure first connection to My Square



Procedure -  Create a support request


Procedure Create a support request



Procedure -  How to track a case


Procedure Create a support request

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